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CRM Integration
--Select Folder--
Sync Errors: Contact:There's a problem with this country, even though it may appear correct. Please select a country/territory from the list of valid countries.: Mailing Country:MailingCountry --
Sync errors in Chargebee Salesforce integration due to duplication rules
Salesforce sync error due to Process workflow - Unable to convert lead that is in use by workflow
New user login for Salesforce - Chargebee integration
What are the prerequisites for Salesforce integration?
Salesforce - Subscription ID not being passed to the opportunity page
Is it possible for Salesforce to use read-only API key for syncronization?
Contract terms are enabled in Chargebee but they are not visible on CB subscription - Salesforce
Salesforce connection issue - Custom setting name too long
Salesforce Error - Chargebee site linked with the account is different from Pricebook’s Chargebee site
Connection Error for Salesforce - Invalid domain error
Sync Rule for Opportunities in Salesforce: Allow Chargebee to update the opportunity products in Salesforce with subscription's products in Chargebee setting
Salesforce - Error “Custom Setting Name too long:” while adding Chargebee domain id for the test instance
How can I add CB quotes as a tab in Salesforce?
Bad picklist value error - Salesforce
Subscription creation on renewal opportunity
Why deals are being automatically closed won in Salesforce?
Error: You do not have permission to read the field discount on opportunity line item in Salesforce
Access for the Salesforce org has expired for ChargebeeInc Support
Fix for error message: locale-not in allowed values Salesforce
How to create/update subscription using Salesforce Flow Builder?
How to sync Chargebee billing contacts in Salesforce integration?
"Access Denied: OP_UPSERT on chargebeeapps__CB_Subscription__c" - SalesForce error
How often can the Salesforce Integration Auto Sync?
Customer Remapping Salesforce (Version 1.46+)
Salesforce- populate Customer.Billing_Address.Company
Business Entity is not showing up for selection in Chargebee Settings of Salesforce
Salesforce-Unable to create a quote for any existing subscription for a upgrade in SF
Generate quote PDF & invoice PDF not working in Salesforce
Unable to see Chargebee button(s) in salesforce UI
Unable to see tax exclusive price in Salesforce
Salesforce - Why a duplicate opportunity is created after the customer creates a subscription using checkout link generated from the opportunity?
How Chargebee pricing syncs to Salesforce
What are the prerequisites for Hubspot integration?
Hubspot - Pipeline or stage errors
Hubspot -Authentication error
Hubspot - Internal error
Hubspot - PII data cleared error
Hubspot - Contact already mapped error
Hubspot - Contact not found error
Hubspot - Contact missing error
Hubspot - Unique field value missing error
Hubspot - Customer deleted error
Hubspot - Unknown error
Hubspot - No open deal found error
Hubspot - Customer not synced error
Limitation of new Hubspot integration
Is the new Hubspot different from the existing Chargebee HubSpot integration?
When and how often are products synced in new Hubspot integration?
How to sync additional fields from new HubSpot → Chargebee?
HubSpot Company → Chargebee Customer - New hubspot integration
HubSpot Deal → Chargebee Subscription - new Hubspot integration
Unable to generate checkout URL in HubSpot Q2C
Auto-populating fields in Chargebee checkout link generated via Hubspot
Hubspot error: There was a problem displaying this content. Try refreshing the page. If this issue persists, contact your app developer for assistance.
Hubspot Sync failure emails
What are the types of subscription amendments available with HubSpot Q2C integration?
I can see few Scheduled Activity customer modified events not triggered by Chargebee
Why the Total subscription MRR of the company is not updated or incorrect in Hubspot?
Why the deal amount is not getting updated in the Hubspot ?