How to integrate Stripe with Chargebee?
setup Stripe payment gateway in Chargebee
You can configure Stripe as a payment gateway in Chargebee app. Settings > Configure Chargebee > Payment Gateway > Add payment gateway > Stripe. It is recommended that you configure this integration on test site first and then on your live site.
Note: If you are using Stripe.js as your checkout solution, and need to be SCA-compliant under the European PSD2 regulation, take a look at 3DS implementation for Stripe.js in Chargebee . You should be able to use the latest version of Stripe API and there will not be any compatibility issues with Chargebee. The last version which we officially confirmed with Stripe was 2020-08-27 but there should not be any issues using the latest version.
Stripe supports a wide range of payment methods to help you accept payments around the world. Each payment method varies in the authentication process. As a merchant, you can seamlessly integrate Stripe with Chargebee to process your payments.
The following steps will help you configure Stripe with Chargebee.
Step 1: Click Settings > Configure Chargebee > Payment Gateway > Add payment gateway > Stripe
You can configure Stripe either from your Test or Live account.
Step 2: Log in to an existing account or create a new one.
Step 3: The Configure Stripe page will open as shown below.

Click here to read more about this integration.