Possible to Change billing date of gift subscription?

Modified on: Mon, 19 Jun, 2023 at 5:43 PM


How do I edit gift subscriptions?
Is it possible to Change billing date of gift subscription?


Chargebee allows the merchant’s customers to gift subscriptions to family and friends. Gifts could be sent to recipients immediately upon sign-up or scheduled for special occasions such as holidays or birthdays. But they come with very limited functionality and flexibility. 

If a merchant reaches out to change, edit, or extend the billing date of a gift subscription, unfortunately, modifying or changing the date is not possible.

It is also not possible to move a gift subscription to a normal subscription, and the only workaround would be to cancel the gift subscription and create a new subscription for the customer. If a customer cancels midway, no credits will be issued for the unused period. The merchant can use promotional credits to add the same to the customer’s profile if they want to achieve the use-case

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