What are the benefits of using Lift Report in Retention?
We have added new lift reports on the dashboard and Insights section to compare key performance metrics for Chargebee Retention against the Chargebee Retention page without offers (holdout). Chargebee Billing merchants using the bypass feature will also see metrics for their existing cancel experience (bypass). Navigate to Chargebee Retention > Insights > Life Reports.
Dashboard Lift Report
Two new dashboard widgets are available to measure the performance of Chargebee Retention against the no-offers Retention holdout page and bypass. For customers not using the Chargebee Billing self-serve portal, you will see Chargebee Retention and Holdout groups in the reports.
We recommend you allocate a small percentage of traffic to the Retention holdout page. This no-offers holdout page will serve as a baseline for your Retention testing.
The Retention Lift dashboard report compares the first-time repurchase rate and deflects rate for Chargebee Retention against your bypass and holdout groups. You can view both metrics on an absolute basis or a relative basis. Selecting a relative basis will compare Retention and Holdout against Bypass as the baseline.
The Cumulative Retained Revenue dashboard report breaks down the revenue from repurchases for Chargebee Retention, holdout, and bypass groups. This data shows the cumulative revenue over time and is not tied to the date filter on the dashboard. You can hover over the chart to see the retained revenue breakdown for the specific time period.
Note: This report will be displayed for Chargebee Billing merchants who have retained revenue reporting enabled.
Detailed Lift Report
To view the Detailed Lift Report, click "View detailed lift report" within the Retention Lift dashboard widget or "Lift Report" under the Insights tab.
The report includes the following metrics for Retention, holdout, and bypass groups:
- Total sessions: Count of sessions for the specified time period. Hover over the line to view session counts for a specific day/week/month.
- Deflection trends: Deflect rate for the specified time period. Hover over the line to view deflect rate for a specific day/week/month.
- Deflection outcomes: Counts for sessions, deflections, and cancels
- Cancel completion: Percentage of customers who cancel during their initial visit. Hover over the bar to view session and cancel counts.
For Chargebee Billing merchants, the report also includes First Time Repurchase Rate for Retention, holdout, and bypass groups.
If you have any further questions about the lift reports, please contact