The Total subscription MRR of the company is not updated
On company level ‘Total Subscription MRR' = sum of ‘Total Customer MRR' of all contacts .
The total MRR on the company level in Hubspot depends upon Invoice Amount Paid, Total Customer MRR, Total Dues and Due Invoices Count fields in Hubspot.
To make sure that the Total MRR field is correctly populated and to avoid these kind of situation in future we can advise the merchant to make sure the Invoice Amount Paid, Total Customer MRR, Total Dues and Due Invoices Count fields are not empty instead they should be filled with a number (defaulted to 0.00).
In such cases where the Total MRR is not updated correctly it is recommended to update the below-given fields in Hubspot then do a dummy update & run the sync.
For the Customer Id in chargebee which is linked to Company Id in Hubspot, update Invoice Amount Paid, Total Customer MRR fields with default value 0.00