This article covers
How does the option “Sync voided invoices from Chargebee as credit notes in QuickBooks” on the Quickbooks Integration page work?
Does Tax Inclusive invoice is handled differently than Tax Exclusive while syncing to Quickbooks?
What is the difference between Tax Inclusive and Exclusive while syncing to Quickbooks?
How does Tax Inclusive invoice sync to Quickbooks?
Chargebee will handle both Tax Exclusive and Tax-inclusive invoices similarly while syncing to Quickbooks. The taxes line item will be synced separately and will be shown in the invoice in Quickbooks.
Sample invoices of both Tax Exclusive and Inclusive are given below which shows how they synced to the QBO platform.
You can enable the “Sync voided invoices from Chargebee as credit notes in QuickBooks” option under Apps > Quickbooks> Manage Mapping page.
Please find below how the sync works when the option is disabled vs when it is enabled.
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